"Wisdom is a shelter, as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this; that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor." ECCLESIASTES 7:12
Other than the touch of God on you, for whatever the reason, there is no better gift to request from God than Wisdom. As mentioned above wisdom is a shelter and it goes on to mention that it preserves the life of its possessor.
I have thought on this matter a great deal and have come to this conclusion. Many people talk about wisdom and they are, I am sure, sincere about it. And I have often prayed through intersessory prayer, that people might receive wisdom in the things they are going through. I am truly wanting God to give the person wisdom to handle matters in their life. What I realized is the person for which I am praying this wisdom to come upon is not of the same mind or seeking the same gift from God. They want certain things to happen or change in their life, but wisdom has little or nothing to do with it.
Wisdom goes much deeper than a request to heal or solve a life problem. Wisdom starts with the intake of the breath we breathe and permeates our body, soul and whole being. To use God's gift of wisdom requires that we give our process of reasoning over to His way of thinking. So when I pray that someone receive wisdom in handling matters, it can and will be done by my heavenly Father. However, the person that is to receive this gift from God must be of the same mind and willingness.
I have decided that a prayer for wisdom to be given to another person is still appropriate. But, that I ask God to give them a true desire and willingness to Know Him also. Many know Him as their Savior and Lord, but still miss out on Knowing Him. It goes back to the difference between the head knowledge and the heart knowledge.
Getting to know Him is an everyday process we all go through once we have accepted Him as Savior. He must turn out to be our everything everyday. Everything we think, are, or ever will be. I want to know and be more like Him today than I was yesterday, but know and be less like Him today than I will be tomorrow.
Putting God first in everything allows us to have our hearts desire in everything else and is the beginning of the wisdom we desire for our life.
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